PyData Berlin 2014
July 25th - 27th
The first ever PyData Berlin was co-located with EuroPython at the bcc Berlin Congress Center. You can find all the workshop and talk videos below.

Lightning Talks

Pandas' Thumb: unexpected evolutionary use of a Python library.
Chris Nyland

Massively Parallel Processing with Procedural Python
Ronert Obst

IPython and Sympy to Develop a Kalman Filter for Multisensor Data Fusion
Paul Balzer

Intro to ConvNets
Kashif Rasul

Make sense of your (big) data using Elasticsearch
Honza Král

Panel: The challenges and frontiers of data science in Europe

Conda: a cross-platform package manager for any binary distribution
Ilan Schnell

Exploring Patent Data with Python
Franta Polach

Building the PyData Community
Travis Oliphant

Faster than Google? Optimization lessons in Python.
Radim Řehůřek

Fast Serialization of Numpy Arrays with Bloscpack
Valentin Haenel

Introduction to the Signal Processing and Classification Environment pySPACE
Mario Michael Krell

ABBY: A Django app to document your A/B tests
Andy Goldschmidt

Commodity Machine Learning
Andreas Mueller

Guerra - Speed Without Drag
Saul Diez

Python and pandas as back end to real-time data driven applications
Giovanni Lanzani

How to Spy with Python
Lynn Root

Algorithmic Trading with Zipline
Thomas Wiecki

Low-rank matrix approximations in Python
Christian Thurau

Street Fighting Trend Research
Benedikt Koehler

Parallel processing using python and gearman
Pedro Miguel Dias Cardoso

Data Oriented Programming
Francesc Alted

Interactive Analysis of (Large) Financial Data Sets
Yves Hilpisch

Mall Analytics Using Telco Data & Pandas
Karolina Alexiou

Driving Moore's Law with Python-Powered Machine Learning: An Insider's Perspective
Trent McConaghy

Semantic Python: Mastering Linked Data with Python
Valerio Maggio

Quantified Self: Analyzing the Big Data of our Daily Life
Andreas Schreiber

Generators Will Free Your Mind
James Powell

Packaging and Deployment
Travis Oliphant

Visualising Data through Pandas
Vincent Warmerdam

Paul Schmetz - Dealing With Complexity

Extract Transform Load using mETL
Bence Faludi