PyData Berlin 2016 May 20th - 21st Talks 37:17Using small data in the client instead of big data in the cloud Anton Dubrau 58:29Predictive modelling with Python Olivier Grisel (keynote) 42:36Frontera: open source, large scale web crawling framework Alexander Sibiryakov 39:27Functional Programming in Python Daniel Kirsch 14:54One in a billion: finding matching images in very large corpora Ryan Henderson 44:43Dealing with TBytes of Data in Realtime Nils Magnus 34:25Classifying Search Queries Without User Click Data Abhishek Thakur 43:20BigchainDB : a Scalable Blockchain Database, in Python Trent McConaghy 27:02How to Trick a Neural Network Julia Evans (keynote) 26:42Machine Learning at Scale Nathan Epstein 35:49What every data scientist should know about data anonymization Katharina Rasch 37:08Accelerating Python Analytics by In-Database Processing Edouard Fouché 26:49Python and TouchDesigner for Interactive Experiments Jessica Palmer 35:14Let's play Space Invaders! Maciej Jaskowski 57:53Python Data Ecosystem: Thoughts on Building for the Future Wes McKinney (keynote) 37:09What's new in Deep Learning? Kashif Rasul 39:56Designing spaCy: Industrial-strength NLP Matthew Honnibal 37:01Data Integration in the World of Microservices Valentine Gogichashvili 36:57Bridging the gap: from Data Science to service Daniel Moisset 31:45The "Kwargh!" Problem James Powell 37:51Usable A/B testing – A Bayesian approach Nora Neumann 33:52Introduction to Julia for Python Developers David Higgins 16:34Robot uses toddler-like self exploration for the development of body representations Idai Guertel 24:31pypet: A Python Toolkit for Simulations and Numerical Experiments Robert Meyer 37:40PySpark in Practice Ronert ObstDat Tran 38:10Zero-Administration Data Pipelines using AWS Simple Workflow Anne Matthies 34:38Visualizing research data: Challenges of combining different datasources Juha Suomalainen 35:13Spotting trends and tailoring recommendations: PySpark on Big Data in fashion Martina Pugliese 33:24Smart Banking - Real Time Driven Arnab DuttaChristian Rebernik 26:28Visualizing Andrej Warkentin 36:13Plumbing in Python: Pipelines for Data Science Applications Thomas Reineking 34:25Bayesian Optimization and it's application to Neural Networks Moritz Neeb 29:36Python based predictive analytics with GraphLab Create Danny Bickson 38:47A full Machine learning pipeline in Scikit-learn vs in scala-Spark: pros and cons Jose Quesada 30:32Connecting Keywords to Knowledge Base Using Search Keywords and Wikidata Fang Xu 37:23Predicting political views from text Felix Biessmann 36:16Estimating stock price correlations using Wikipedia Delia Rusu 24:34Brand recognition in real-life photos Lukasz Czarnecki 35:34Building a polyglot Data Science Platform on Big Data systems Frank Kaufer 24:35Removing Soft Shadows with Hard Data Maciej Gryka 28:07ExpAn - A Python library for advanced statistical analysis of A/B tests Jie Bao 38:54Setting up predictive analytics services with Palladium Andreas Lattner