PyData Berlin 2018 July 6th - 8th Talks 58:54Keynote: Hacking the Iron Curtain: From smuggling computer parts to owning... Andrada Fiscutean 14:19Q&A with Keynote Andrada Fiscutean 58:41Keynote: Building in Privacy and Data Protection -- what is demanded by the GDPR? Marit Hansen 29:14Q&A with Keynote Marit Hansen 54:02Keynote - Fairness and Diversity in Online Social Systems Elisa Celis 40:41Q&A with Elisa Celis 1:28:19Tricks, tips and topics in Text Analysis Bhargav Srinivasa Desikan 1:27:14Semi-supervised learning with GANs Andreas MerentitisCarmine PaolinoVaibhav Singh 1:27:25Leveling up your storytelling and visualization skills Gerrit Gruben 1:25:59Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch Stefan Otte 1:23:20A Hands-On Introduction to Your First Data Science Project Em GrasmederJin Yang 1:17:48Scaling and reproducing deep learning on Kubernetes with Polyaxon Mourad Mourafiq 57:14Search Relevance: A/B testing to Reinforcement Learning Arnab Dutta 1:27:25Production ready Data-Science with Python and Luigi Mark Keinhörster 1:26:57Deprecating the state machine: building conversational AI with the Rasa stack Justina Petraitytė 1:27:15Deploying a machine learning model to the cloud using AWS Lambda Dr. Benjamin Weigel 40:22Visual concept learning from few images Vaibhav Singh 29:28Five things I learned from turning research papers into industry prototypes Ellen König 32:22Simple diagrams of convoluted neural networks Piotr Migdał 33:03Where NLP and psychology meet Alexandra Klochko 37:24Spatial Data Analysis With Python Dillon R GardnerPhD 36:09Towards automating machine learning Dr Thorben Jensen 39:34Deep Neural Networks for Double Dummy at Bridge Lorand Dali 42:32ctparse: a practical parser for natural language time expressions... Dr Sebastian Mika 41:14Python Unittesting for Ethereum Smart Contracts or how not to create your own Crypto Robert Meyer 28:42Launch Jupyter to the Cloud: an example of using Docker and Terraform Cheuk Ting Ho 40:03Let's SQL Like It's 1992! James Powell 40:09Building new NLP solutions with spaCy and Prodigy Matthew Honnibal 35:34Python in Medicine: analysing data from mechanical... Gusztav Belteki 37:52Manifold Learning and Dimensionality Reduction for Data Visualization... Stefan Kühn 37:12A/B testing at Zalando: concepts and tools Shan HuangGrigory Bordyugov 39:52How I Made My Computer Write it's First Short Story Alexander Hendorf 23:25How to scare a fish (school) Andrej Warkentin 36:13Extracting relevant Metrics with Spectral Clustering Evelyn Trautmann 41:05Solving very simple substitution ciphers algorithmically Stephen Enright Ward 37:41Understanding and Applying Self-Attention for NLP Ivan Bilan 36:26AI in Healthcare David Higgins 38:05On Laplacian Eigenmaps for Dimensionality Reduction Juan Orduz 44:27Industrial ML - Overview of the technologies available...machine learning Alejandro Saucedo 39:42GDPR in practise - Developing models with transparency and privacy in mind Łukasz Mokrzycki 40:17When to go deep in Computer Vision... and how Irina Vidal Migallón 41:32How brings Data Science to Production... Florian WilhelmDr Markus Schüler 39:23Privacy-preserving Data Sharing Omar Ali Fdal 35:42Object detection to Instance segmentation: Learn to apply several algorithms... Sujatha Subramanian 36:40Simplifying Training Deep & Serving Learning Models...using Tensorflow Holden Karau 31:50pyGAM: balancing interpretability and predictive power using... Dani Servén Marín 44:17The Face of Nanomaterials: Insightful Classification Using Deep Learning Angelo Ziletti 29:52Going Full Stack with Data Science: Using Technical Readiness... Emily Gorcenski 1:14:09Career Panel Hosted by Nakeema Stefflbauer 31:37Interfacing R and Python Andrew Collier 40:37All that likelihood with PyMC3 Junpeng Lao 34:45Data versioning in machine learning projects Dmitry Petrov 33:11Extending Pandas using Apache Arrow and Numba Uwe L Korn 39:11Big Data Systems Performance: The Little Shop of Horrors Jens Dittrich 40:09CatBoost: Fast Open-Source Gradient Boosting Library For GPU Vasily Ershov 34:06Meaningful histogramming with Physt Jan Pipek 32:38Battle-hardened advice on efficient data loading for deep learning on videos Valentin Haenel 41:38LightFields.jl: Fast 3D image reconstruction for VR applications Hector Andrade Loarca 24:17Practical examples of interactive visualizations in JupyterLab... Jeremy Tuloup